Bella Trae
by Del Webb
What is BellaTrae C.A.R.E.S.?
We are a charter club of individuals who are residents of BellaTrae. We encourage and promote safety through events, trips, meetings, and community awareness among our residents. We sponsor events and education on safety, security, and preparedness.

Neighbors come together to assist in creating a strong community
Being an active liaison with our local Oceola Sheriff
We coordinate information to residents on emergency topics such as hurricane preparedness, fire safety, and vandalism.
We work with the Board of Directors on village safety
We conduct organized community walks which can update community improvement for safety and security

To encourage residents to take personal responsibility for their safety and well being
We educate the community and individual resident on safety courses such as Crimeline, and Weather Emergency.
We provide access to CPR and Basic First Aid certification

Evaluate community safety and recommend improvements
Help individuals to personally achieve current safety opportunities in their homes.
If you are interested in volunteering, please contact us at:BellaTraeCARES@gmail.com