Homeowners now have one, secure place to go to view Bella Trae Community Association Documents, Bylaws, Declarations, BOD Meeting minutes, etc. The folders can only be accessed by verified homeowners. To protect this data all homeowner login requests require a verified email address and are checked against Osceola Public Tax Records.
All documents are given a data classification; Confidential, Secure, and Public. Confidential documents are for BTCA Board Members only.
Verified homeowners get access to:
All BTCA Secure documents
All online forms
All Public documents
BellaTrae tenants get access to:
All online forms
All Public documents
Site Guests get access to:
All Public documents
Each homeowner is assigned permissions to BTCA folders and the folders in their respective village. Example: A Veranda homeowner gets access to BTCA and Veranda. We are in the process of uploading historical BTCA documents from Sentry and expect this to take a couple of weeks to complete. Please check with the BTCA CAM if you have immediate need of a secure document. Individual Village documents will be forthcoming in the near future.
If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact us.